Work Area

Work Area

Ramaanya Foundation strongly believes in promoting excellence and innovation by providing financial support to students and mid-career professionals through an...

Ramaanya Foundation works towards providing better access to health care facilities to the marginalised and vulnerable sections of society.

We improve the performance of staff building and build effective management systems, policies and plans and improve long-term sustainability...

We work in regions where we believe we can have the greatest impact with our finite resources and help for social justice to individuals

We work towards protection, conservation and betterment of Mother Nature and Humanity.

The Foundation has been running various social initiatives for the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden people which will be helpful...

We improves the quality of urban infrastructure and the role played by residents in actively engaging with the local decision-making...

Foundation believes firmly in this adage, and also believes that athletes who are working to achieve their potential can inspire countless...

Ramaanya Foundation is an NGO in India working for the popularization of science and technology through its outreach educational...